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About the institute

Our mission is education that readies young minds to thrive in a complex, connected world.

Our vision is about the leaders of the future

At the Ed Institute, we see young people as the next generation of world leaders, policy makers, community  innovators and industry shapers.


At the same time, we recognise that they are growing up at a time of unprecedented disruption.


Our vision responds to the needs of young people today, but also of future generations

In the next two decades, the digital age will give way to the age of AI, the fossil fuel age will shift to renewables, trust and social licence will become more dynamic, disinformation more rife.


The climate and biodiversity crises will drive new models of how society interacts with the natural world. Genomics will offer new cures but also new choices for everyday people. Equity will skyrocket in some parts of society and plummet in others, and geopolitical competition will ripple out into economic, social and security effects. Sub-culture will become ever-more fragmented, even as Culture becomes more creative and inclusive.


The 2030s will be full of opportunity, full of risk, and full of surprises whose origin is difficult to trace and whose implications are hard to predict. â€‹


Our vision is realised through groundbreaking learning products 

This reality forms the foundation of our mission. Our learning products advance the STEM, humanities and social studies, and cross-cutting capabilities like ethics and sustainability. But they go well beyond these, to ready young people to navigate, impact and shift the course of a complex, connected future.



We work in partnership with the global education community

With you as our partners in education, we can work together to fuse world-leading approaches to ethically tackling complex challenges with big-picture thinking.


We can be grounded in academic foundations and frontier innovation.


And we can focus on creating inspired, capable leaders of tomorrow who will thrive and positively influence their world as ethical ancestors.


Whether you are an educator, a principal, a government decision-maker, a UN program manager or a high-impact NGO, we want to work with you to ready young minds to thrive, and to lead, in a complex, connected future.​​​

Meet our founders

ThinkPlace's co-founders and leadership team brings together world-class thought leadership in education, futuring and impact.

Stay connected. Be a part of our community. 

Your privacy is something we see as critical, as it should be for any ethical company.

We only use your details to communicate with you, including news, insights, special offers and invitations to test new products. We never pass your details to another party unless required to by law.​

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